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  • Enter Slide 1 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 2 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 3 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Sort of wonder why  No one said a wordDon't you like it on the sly?Don't you like it till it hurts?Have I been on your mind?  What's a voice without a song?Something in your head  You've been fighting all along...I don't want to say it,  The news is not so goodWe'll never get away,  And even if we couldWe'd just...
14:01   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

De todo lo que he dicho Hay momentos en los que me arrepiento  En tu tiempo de esperanza y vacío, no te des por vencida todavía Todo lo que he conocido  Todas las noches que pasé por mi cuenta Si yo busco este error y te vas, entonces estoy solo. Pero cuando el frío viento viene  Si todo lo que hacemos se deshace y...
22:25   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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Everything that I have said  There are moments I regret  In your time of hope and hollowness, don't give up yet. Everything that I have known  All the nights spent on my own  If I get this wrong and off you go, then I am alone. But when that cold wind comes  If all you do is undone  and you don't understand  I...
19:37   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Vi tu foto  colgada en la parte de atrás de mi puerta  no te daré mi corazón  nadie vivirá allí jamás  y fuimos amantes  ahora no podemos ser amigos  la atracción termina  aquí vamos de nuevo Porque está frío afuera,  cuando regresas a casa,  porque está caliente por dentro,  no...
8:01   Posted by Unknown in , with No comments
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sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

I saw your picture  hangin' on the back of my door  won't give you my heart  no one lives there anymore  and we were lovers  now we can't be friends  fascination ends  here we go again  Cause it's cold outside,  when you coming home  cause it's hot inside,  isn't that enough  I'm...
16:09   Posted by Unknown in , with No comments
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