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    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 2 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 3 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

La manera en que estás bailandoMe hace revivirMe hace temblar y sudarTu mirada ocultaLa manera de romper una sonrisaCasi comienza un incendio.Así que acércateQuiero sentirteAsí que venVamosAmor míoEsta fortaleza en nuestros corazonesSe siente mucho más débilAhora estamos separadosAmor míoEsta fortaleza en nuestros corazonesSe derrumba.Necesito un cambio...
17:44   Posted by Unknown in with 1 comment
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viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

AutomáticaAutomáticaEres automática y tu corazón como un motorMe muero con cada latidoEres automática y tu voz es eléctricapor qué te sigo creyendo?Es automática cada palabra en tu cartaUna mentira que me hace sangrarEs automático cuando dices que las cosas mejoranpero nunca...No hay amor real en tiNo hay amor real en tiNo hay amor real en tiPor qué...
13:57   Posted by Unknown in with 1 comment
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AutomaticAutomaticYou’re automatic and your hearts like an engineI die with every beatYou’re automatic and your voice is electricbut do I still believe?It’s automatic every word in your letterThe lie connects the beatIt’s automatic when you say things get betterbut they never…There’s no real love in youThere’s no real love in youThere’s no real love...
13:49   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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I can't imagine all the people that you knowAnd the places that you goWhen the lights are turned down lowAnd I don't understandAll the things you've seenBut I'm slipping in betweenYou and your big... dreamsit's always you in my big dreamsAnd you tell meThat it's overWake up lying in a patch of four leaf cloverAnd you're restlessAnd I'm nakedYou've...
13:47   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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Este amoreste amor es un amor extrañoque puede levantar un amoreste amorEste amorCreo que me voy a caer otra vezY siempre cuando sostuviste mi manoY los conviertes en tus dedos, amorEste amorNos quedamos ensayando ahora, amorNo sé qué es el amorEste amorEste amorNo tienes que sentir amorNo importa estar enamoradosEsto no significa nadaEste amorEste...
8:18   Posted by Unknown in with 2 comments
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Los recuerdos se consumencomo abriendo las heridasme estoy apartando otra vezTodos asumenque estoy seguro en mi habitaciónsi no intento empezar de nuevoNo quiero ser el único al quelas peleas siempre escogenporque por dentro me doy cuentaque soy el único confundidoNo sé por qué vale la pena lucharo por qué tengo que gritarno sé por qué insistoy digo...
6:28   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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Memories consumeLike opening the woundI'm picking me apart againYou all assumeI'm safe here in my roomUnless I try to start againI don't want to be the oneThe battles always choose'Cause inside I realizeThat I'm the one confusedI don't know what's worth fighting forOr why I have to screamI don't know why I instigateAnd say what I don't meanI don't...
6:07   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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Nunca he tenido que decir adiósDebes haber sabido que no me quedaríaMientras estabas hablando de nuestras vidasMataste la belleza de hoyPor siempre y para siempreLa vida es ahora o nuncaPara siempre nunca llegaLas personas aman y dejan irPor siempre y para siempreLa vida es ahora o nuncaPara siempre nunca llegaNunca me volverás a verAsí que ahora,...
5:47   Posted by Unknown in with No comments
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